Under Desk Elliptical vs Treadmill: Which is Better for Your Health?

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Are you looking for a way to stay active while working at your desk? Under desk ellipticals and treadmills are two popular options that can help you do just that. These compact exercise machines are designed to fit under your desk, allowing you to pedal or walk while you work. But which one is right for you? In this article, we’ll compare under desk ellipticals and treadmills to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Under Desk Ellipticals and Treadmills
Under desk ellipticals and treadmills are both designed to help you stay active while working at your desk. Ellipticals mimic the motion of walking or running, but without the impact on your joints. Treadmills, on the other hand, allow you to walk or run at a steady pace. Both machines are compact and can easily fit under most desks, making them a convenient option for those who spend a lot of time sitting.

Benefits and Drawbacks
There are several benefits to using an under desk elliptical or treadmill. Both machines can help you burn calories, improve circulation, and reduce the negative effects of sitting for long periods of time. However, there are also some drawbacks to consider. Under desk ellipticals may not provide as intense of a workout as treadmills, and some users may find the motion uncomfortable. Treadmills, on the other hand, can be noisy and may require more space than an elliptical.

Understanding Under Desk Ellipticals and Treadmills


If you want to stay active while working, you have two main options: under desk ellipticals and treadmills. Understanding the differences between these two devices can help you choose the best one for your needs.

Under Desk Ellipticals

Under desk ellipticals are compact machines that fit under your desk, allowing you to pedal while you work. They offer a low-impact workout that can help improve circulation, burn calories, and reduce stress on your joints.

Some of the benefits of under desk ellipticals include their quiet operation and adjustable resistance levels. They also tend to be more affordable than treadmills and take up less space.


Treadmills designed for use under a desk are similar to regular treadmills, but with a smaller size and lower maximum speed. They allow you to walk or jog while you work, providing a more intense workout than under desk ellipticals.

Treadmills can help improve cardiovascular health, burn calories, and increase energy levels. They also come with features like incline settings and built-in desks for added convenience.

However, treadmills tend to be more expensive and take up more space than under desk ellipticals. They can also be louder and may require more maintenance.

Overall, both under desk ellipticals and treadmills offer unique benefits for staying active while working. Consider your goals, budget, and space limitations when choosing between the two.

Benefits and Drawbacks

When it comes to choosing between an under desk elliptical and a treadmill, there are several benefits and drawbacks to consider. In this section, we will discuss the health and fitness advantages as well as practical considerations of both machines.

Health and Fitness Advantages

Both under desk ellipticals and treadmills offer a range of health benefits. They provide a convenient way to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, which can help combat the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity.

Cardiovascular fitness is a major benefit of both machines, as they provide a low-impact workout that can help you burn calories and improve your overall fitness level. If you’re looking to lose weight, both machines can be effective when combined with a healthy diet.

Strength training is another area where both machines can be beneficial. While treadmills primarily focus on cardio, some models offer adjustable resistance levels that can help you build strength. Under desk ellipticals typically offer lower resistance levels, but they still provide a low-impact workout that can help improve your overall fitness level.

Interval training is also possible on both machines, which can help you burn more calories and improve your cardiovascular fitness. By alternating periods of high and low intensity, you can challenge your body in new ways and make your workouts more effective.

Practical Considerations

When it comes to practical considerations, there are several factors to keep in mind when choosing between an under desk elliptical and a treadmill.

One advantage of under desk ellipticals is their compact and lightweight design, which makes them easy to store and transport. They also tend to be quieter than treadmills, which can be a consideration if you’re using them in a shared space.

Treadmills, on the other hand, tend to offer more space-saving features such as adjustable height and folding designs. They also typically have higher weight capacities and offer more resistance levels, which can make them a better choice for those looking to build strength.

Overall, both under desk ellipticals and treadmills have their advantages and drawbacks. The best choice for you will depend on your fitness goals, space limitations, and personal preferences.

Comparison of Popular Models


Under Desk Ellipticals

Under desk ellipticals are a great way to stay active while working at your desk. They are low-impact, which makes them perfect for those who want to avoid putting too much stress on their joints. Some popular models include the DeskCycle, Stamina InMotion, and Cubii Jr2.

One of the key features to consider when choosing an under desk elliptical is the flywheel. A heavier flywheel will provide a smoother and more stable ride. Additionally, look for models with nonslip pedals and foot straps to ensure your feet stay in place while you exercise.

Another important factor to consider is the built-in desk. Some models come with a built-in desk, which can be helpful if you don’t have a lot of workspace. Make sure to check the desk height and armrests to ensure they are comfortable for you.

Under Desk Treadmills

Under desk treadmills are another option for staying active while working. They allow you to walk while you work, which can help increase your daily step count and burn calories. Some popular models include the DeskCycle Walking Treadmill, LifeSpan TR800-DT3, and Rebel Treadmill 1000.

When choosing an under desk treadmill, consider the workout intensity. Look for models with adjustable speeds and inclines to customize your workout. Additionally, make sure the treadmill has a nonslip surface and is quiet enough to not disrupt your work.

Maintenance is also an important consideration. Some models require regular maintenance, such as lubricating the belt, while others are maintenance-free. Make sure to choose a model that fits your needs and lifestyle.

Overall, both under desk ellipticals and treadmills can be great additions to your home gym or workspace. Consider your fitness goals, workspace, and budget when choosing the best option for you.

Tips for Maximizing Use and Effectiveness

When using an under desk elliptical or treadmill, there are several tips you can follow to ensure you get the most out of your workout and improve your overall health and well-being.

1. Use with a Standing Desk

Using an under desk elliptical or treadmill with a standing desk can help improve your posture and energy level throughout the day. Standing desks are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace and can help reduce the negative effects of sitting for long periods of time.

2. Maintain Good Posture

Maintaining good posture while using an under desk elliptical or treadmill is important to avoid strain on your back and neck. Keep your shoulders relaxed, your back straight, and your feet flat on the ground.

3. Warm Up and Cool Down

Before and after using an under desk elliptical or treadmill, it is important to warm up and cool down to prevent injury. Take a few minutes to stretch your legs and do some light exercises to get your blood flowing.

4. Vary Your Routine

To keep your workouts interesting and effective, vary your routine by changing the resistance or incline on your under desk elliptical or treadmill. You can also try different exercises, such as interval training or hill sprints.

5. Affordable and Versatile

Under desk ellipticals and treadmills are affordable and versatile options for staying active throughout the day. They can be used at home or in the office and provide a convenient way to fit exercise into your busy schedule.

6. Beneficial for Osteoporosis

Using an under desk elliptical or treadmill can be beneficial for those with osteoporosis, as it can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.

By following these tips, you can maximize the use and effectiveness of your under desk elliptical or treadmill and improve your overall health and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using an under desk elliptical or treadmill?

Both under desk ellipticals and treadmills offer a range of benefits, including increased physical activity, improved cardiovascular health, and better circulation. Additionally, using an under desk elliptical or treadmill can help reduce stress, improve mood, and increase productivity.

Which is more effective for weight loss, an under desk elliptical or treadmill?

Both under desk ellipticals and treadmills can be effective for weight loss, as they help increase physical activity and burn calories. However, the intensity and duration of your workout will determine the amount of calories burned. Generally, treadmills may offer a more intense workout and burn more calories than an under desk elliptical.

Can an under desk elliptical or treadmill help improve posture?

Yes, using an under desk elliptical or treadmill can help improve posture by engaging core muscles and promoting proper alignment. However, it is important to maintain proper posture while using these machines to avoid strain or injury.

What are the differences between a non-motorized under desk treadmill and an under desk elliptical?

A non-motorized under desk treadmill is powered by the user’s movement, while an under desk elliptical uses a motor to provide resistance and movement. Additionally, treadmills simulate walking or running, while ellipticals simulate a cross-country skiing motion.

Are under desk ellipticals or treadmills better for low-impact exercise?

Under desk ellipticals are generally considered to be better for low-impact exercise, as they offer a smoother motion and place less stress on joints than treadmills. However, both machines can be adjusted to provide a low-impact workout.

Can an under desk elliptical or treadmill be used while working at a standing desk?

Yes, both under desk ellipticals and treadmills can be used while working at a standing desk. However, it is important to ensure that the machine is properly positioned and adjusted to avoid strain or injury.

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